Fulfill a Promise You Made To Yourself.
Ordering Process
A fully refundable $1,000 reservation fee you place today.
By submitting the form below, you are indicating your intention to order a new DHK engine and installation package for your specific aircraft. All DHK orders are prioritized by a reservation timestamp along with package and parts availability for any options selected during the order commitment stage, discussed below.
Your production slot reservation includes a complete DHK engine and installation package including aircraft-specific engine mount, heat exchangers, fuel and lubrication systems, and other components necessary for the engine installation. Other options may become available as we move into production, including cowling, propeller, and other airframe model-specific parts. We are currently finalizing the details of distribution, spare parts, delivery, and warranty coverage.
If you decide not to proceed prior to the production start of your engine, you will receive a full refund of your reservation deposit.
An additional deposit to build and deliver your specific engine and package.
Prior to proceeding to production, we will collect a non-refundable deposit for your DHK engine and installation package and schedule an order commitment consultation to review your order and available options, based on the priority of your reservation. Confirming your options will confirm your order, at which point your commitment deposit and your production slot reservation fee become non-refundable.
Final payment to receive your engine.
Upon completion of your specific DHK engine, installation package and any options, you will pay the balance due and will receive a confirmed delivery date.
Reservation Form
Reservations are for Individual/Private Owners only. If you are an OEM, fleet or Government entity interested in a DeltaHawk Engine please contact our President, Jon Heup, at 262-583-4496 or email Jon.heup@deltahawk.com.